A Nerd’s Menagerie: Nostalgia

It is the start of a new week nerds and we were inspired to revolve our posts around the theme nostalgia. We all have an affinity for TV shows, movies, clothes, or even whole eras; things we Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 5.25.49 PMcome to have an emotional attachment to, things we remember with fondness. To start our week, we are going to take a look at characters from our childhood who may offer us inspiration.  Continue reading

A Nerd’s Menagerie: Words

The pen is mightier than the sword. It is a truth universally acknowledged…

We are words; we are stories, the best and the worst of us, adventures, aspirations, dreams & nightmares…
Here at NC we are showcasing the art of writing all week!

To start the week we have a collection of our favorite quotes from sci-fi and fantasy films that awakened our imaginations.  Continue reading